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A search for 'The Rite' gave the following results:

3 matches in titles (motion pictures, tv shows/series, video games and compilation albums):
2 matches in labels:
  1. Fantasia (Disneyland STER 4101A)
    The rite of spring sequence, separate release.
  2. Cat In The Hat, The (Universal Music Special Markets B0000148302)
    A Musical Array for the Holiday!! Exclusive to Rite Aid stores.

131 matches in tracks
  1. Rite (01:36)
    from Africa To-Day
  2. The Rite (04:29)
    from Càlamo
  3. Le Rite (01:52)
    from Minuscule - Les Mandibules Du Bout Du Monde
  4. Le Rite (01:52)
    from Minuscule - Les Mandibules Du Bout Du Monde
  5. Rite (01:08)
    from Siete Días De Enero
  6. The Rite (03:42)
    from Cure For Wellness, A
  7. Rite Of Magic (02:35)
    from Exorcist II: The Heretic
  8. Rite Of Magic (02:33)
    from Exorcist II: The Heretic
  9. Rite of Passage (02:01)
    from Brick Lane
  10. Rite of Magic (02:33)
    from Exorcist II: The Heretic
  11. Rite Of Ascension M53 (02:48)
    from Star Trek: The Next Generation
  12. Rite Of Ascension M53 (02:48)
    from Star Trek: Starfleet Academy
  13. Rite Of Ascension M53 (02:48)
    from Star Trek: Starfleet Command
  14. Rite of Passage (01:21)
    from Captain Abu Raed
  15. Rite Of Magic (02:33)
    from Exorcist II: The Heretic
  16. Rite Of Magic (02:33)
    from Exorcist II: The Heretic
  17. Tribal Rite (02:35)
    from Zombi 2
  18. A Sacred Rite (03:24)
    from Centurion
  19. Rite (00:00)
    from Ennio Morricone - Sonny
    from "Escalation"
  20. Rite (00:00)
    from Banda J.S.: Cronaca Criminale Del Far West, La
    from "Escalation"
Show all 131 matching tracks